Men's Match Result
Grade: B Special 1 | Round: 10 |
Home Team: Strathmore | Away Team: Westmeadows |
Player 1: Ioannou, Fonda | Player 1: Karabajak, Erkan |
Player 2: Strappazon, Robert | Player 2: Smith, Cameron |
Player 3: Vergers, Anthony | Player 3: Chakelli, Nabil |
Player 4: Steel, Lachlan | Player 4: Emergency 1 |
Home Emergencies: |
Away Emergencies: Pat Minahan B res 3 mens   |
Set 1 (1+2) | 6   | 5   |
Set 2 (3+4) | 6   | 4   |
Set 3 (1+3) | 6   | 4   |
Set 4 (2+4) | 6   | 2   |
Set 5 (1+4) | 6   | 3   |
Set 6 (2+3) | 6   | 4   |
Total | 36   | 13 |
Winning Team: Strathmore
Association Comments - Pat played for the 5th time and has subsequently lost his games. Hence the score went from 36-22 to 36-13